New Function #31
closed[ADMIN] 스마트 오더 관리 (smart order management)
Added by Deca Park almost 2 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.
1.Spec (v1.49 on #21) - almost similar with 온라인 몰 관리 (online mall management)
- 매장 관리 (store management) : p79 ~ 81
- 상품 등록 관리 (product management) : p82 ~ 85
- 쿠폰 등록관리 (coupon management) : p87 ~ 90
- 주문 관리 (order management) : p91 ~ 94
- 추천 매장 등록 관리 (recommend store management) : p95 ~ 97
- 후기 관리 (review management) : p98 ~ 99
store_mall_search_modal.png (41.8 KB) store_mall_search_modal.png | Deca Park, 05/13/2023 06:51 PM | ||
store_business_hour.png (70.5 KB) store_business_hour.png | Deca Park, 05/13/2023 06:51 PM | ||
store_no_order.png (24.1 KB) store_no_order.png | Deca Park, 05/13/2023 06:51 PM | ||
store_product_search_modal.png (33.2 KB) store_product_search_modal.png | Deca Park, 05/13/2023 07:10 PM | ||
store_order_add.png (33.7 KB) store_order_add.png | Deca Park, 05/14/2023 05:00 PM | ||
store_mgmt_change.png (69.5 KB) store_mgmt_change.png | Deca Park, 06/24/2023 04:57 PM |
Related issues
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
- Copied from New Function #24: [ADMIN] 온라인몰 관리 (online mall management) - part1 added
Updated by Toby Pham almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
[스마트 오더 관리] - Spec change (v1.58 on #21)
- 매장 관리 (store management) : p90
- 상품 등록 관리 (product management) : p93,96
- 쿠폰 등록 관리 (coupone management) : p96 ~ 100
- 주문 관리 (order management) : p102 ~ 106
- 추천 매장 등록 관리 (recommend store management) : p111
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
Updated by Toby Pham almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
- File store_business_hour.png store_business_hour.png added
- File store_mall_search_modal.png store_mall_search_modal.png added
- File store_no_order.png store_no_order.png added
[스마트 오더 관리 > 매장 관리 (/store)] - QA
1.List page
1) Grid column
- decrease 매장 이름 width and increase 영업 시간 / 카테고리 width
a) 영업 시간
- display with st_mall_hour (of the mall_code) : refer to store_business_hour image
- if multiple row, show from ~ to hour with <br>
(ex: 08:00 ~ 12:00<br>13:00 ~ 18:00)
2.추가(Add) page
1) fields
a) 매장 주문 불가 : {no_order_yn} (NEW) - refer to store_no_order image
a-1) checkbox
- label: 불가
- check/uncheck (Y/N)
- default: uncheck
a-2) guide text (show under checkbox)
- "*선택할 경우, 매장의 스마트 오더 주문이 불가합니다."
b) 영업시간 (business hour)
b-1) DB change
- DELETE st_mall.business_hours
- st_mall_hour (NEW table)
b-2) definition
- refer to store_business_hour image
c) 담당자명 : {manager_name}
c-1) validation: not required (remove *(red) from the label)
3.상세(Modify) page
1) fields
- same with Add page
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
[스마트 오더 관리 > 상품 등록 관리 (/storeProduct)] - QA
1.List page
1) product Grid column
a) 링크 URL : REMOVE
b) decrease 상품명 column width and increase 상품 코드 / 매장 width a little
2) 엑셀 다운 (excel download)
a) file name: '스마트오더_상품목록.xls'
b) fix excel columns (currenlty, online mall product excel is download wrong)
2.추가 (Add) page
1) fields
a) 상품 노출 / 품절 표시 field
- append *(red) into the label bcz it's required
b) 할인 선택 / 임직원 할인 field
- if option(할인율/할인 금액) is not selected, disable inputbox by default (just enable inputbox of selected option)
- if option is selected, enable inputbox of the option and clear & disable inputbox of other option
- apply same into 온라인몰 관리 > 상품 등록 관리 (/onlineProduct) > Add/Modify page
c) 구독 상품 / 구독 기간 / 구독 연장 field
3.상세 (Modify) page
1) fields
- same with Add page
4.매장 검색 (store mall search) modal (common)
- it's different with online mall search modal
1) definition
- refer to store_mall_search_modal attach image
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
[스마트 오더 관리 > 쿠폰 등록 관리 (/storeCoupon)] - QA
1.List page
- same with #24-note#29 on 온라인몰 관리 > 쿠폰 등록 관리 (/onlineCoupon)
1) Grid columns
- decrease 쿠폰명 width and increase 발급 기간 / 사용 기간 / 할인 금액 / 할인율 width a little
2.등록(Add) page
- same with #24-note#29 on 온라인몰 관리 > 쿠폰 등록 관리 (/onlineCoupon) except : apply #24-note#29 (red text) too
1) 대상 매장 > 매장 검색 (store mall search) modal
- reuse common modal defined on 상품 등록 관리 (/storeProduct)
2) 대상 상품 > 상품 검색 (store product search) modal
a) definition
- refer to store_product_search_modal attach image
- same with online product search modal except some label (쇼핑몰 -> 매장)
b) increase modal width a little bcz grid column is 5
c) Grid columns (상품명 / 상품 코드 / 판매가 / 매장명 / 매장 코드)
- move 상품명 / 상품코드 column into first
- add 판매가 column next to 상품코드
3.상세(Modify) page
- same with Add page
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
[스마트 오더 관리 > 주문 관리 (/order)] - QA
- change URI: /order -> /storeOrder
1.List page
1) search area
a) 주문자
- search with user name/ID of st_order.user_seq (currently, it's search by reg_user_seq)
b) 취소상태
a-1) buttons: vertical align - center
a-2) if button is selected, apply selected style into the button (currently, we can't know which button is selected)
a-3) remove bottom margin of the button row
c) 검색 (search) button
- whenever search, clear 환불상태 / 교환상태 / 취소상태's selected status
2) Grid column
a) 주문자 / 주문자ID
- show with user name/ID of st_order.user_seq
2.상세 (Modify) page
1) fields
a) 배송비 / 수령자 / 수령자 연락처 / 배송주소
- REMOVE (no delivery on store order)
b) 1st 주문 상태 (order_status) / 배송 알림 : REMOVE
c) 수령 희망 시간 : {receive_hope_time}
- add it before 수령 가능 시간 (receive_time) field
c-1) inputbox (readonly)
d-1) 주문 상태 (currently, it's not displayed next to 현금영수증 field)
- selectbox options : {smart_order_status}
- Editable (when save button clicks, UPDATE)
d-2) 주문 불가 사유 : {reject_reason_type}
- if 주문 상태 (smart_order_status) selectbox is selected with 'SS10', enable it (if not, disable it)
- currently, if 'SS10' is selected, it's disabled wrong
e) 취소 (claim cancel)
- currently, if claim status is 취소요청 (claim status CS10), 취소완료 button is shown
- if 취소완료 button is checked and 저장(save), claim status should be updated (currently, it's not updated)
3.추가 (Add) page
1) fields (refer to store_order_add attach image)
a) 배송비 / 수령자 / 수령자 연락처 / 배송주소
- REMOVE (no delivery on store order)
b) 주문 상태 / 주문 불가 사유 : REMOVE
- REMOVE 주문 상태 (smart_order_status) field and when 저장(save), smart_order_status is set by 'SS01' (default)
c) 수령 희망 시간 : {receive_hope_time} - REMOVE
2) 회원 검색 (search user) / 매장 검색 (store mall search) / 상품 검색 (store product search) modal
- reuse common modal
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
- File store_order_add.png store_order_add.png added
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
[스마트 오더 관리 > 추천 매장 등록 관리 (/storeRecommend)] - QA
1.추가(Add) page (almost same with 온라인몰 관리 > 추전 쇼핑몰 등록 관리 (/mallRecommend))
1) Fields
a) 게시 일자
- enable datapicker icon
b) 매장 seach icon
- currently, can't re-open the online mall search modal after close the modal (bug) - check all page used search modal
2) Button
a) 저장(save)
- although server error doesn't happen, data is not saved (bug)
3) 매장 검색 (store mall search) modal
- reuse common the modal
2.상세(Modify) page
1) Fields
- same with 추가(Add) page
[스마트 오더 관리 > 후기 관리 (/storeReview)] - QA
1.List page
- currently, store review data is not displayed (bug) - not fixed (if st_review.mall_code is 'store' mall, display data)
- decrease 후기코드 width and increase 주문번호 width a little
1) Grid column
a) 상품명
- replace with 주문 번호 ({order_no})
- apply it into 엑셀 다운 (excel download) too
2) 엑셀 다운 (excel download)
a) file name: '스마트오더_후기목록.xls'
b) excel columns
- currently, online mall review is set wrong
2.상세 (Modify) page
1) fields
a) 주문 번호 (order_no)
- check if it's shown next to 후기 코드 field
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
Updated by Toby Pham almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Updated by Deca Park almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
Updated by Toby Pham almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago
- Copied to New Function #59: [ADMIN] 구독 상품 관리 (subscribe product management) added
Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago
- File store_mgmt_change.png store_mgmt_change.png added
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
[ADMIN] 스마트 오더 관리 > 매장 관리 (store mall management)
1.Spec change
- refer to attach image (store_mgmt_change.png)
Updated by Toby Pham over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago
[ADMIN] 매장 관리 (/store)
1.Add/Modify page
1) fields
a) 역사 : {station_code}
- validation: required
- fix label: 역사 위치 -> 역사
- append *(red) before the label
b) 담당자명
- remove required validation