



New Function #42


New Function #32: [API] API for mobile App

[API] User

Added by Deca Park over 1 year ago. Updated 8 months ago.

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  • KORAIL_STORE/korail_store_user

2.Swagger UI (

  • apply this into API

3.Spec (User sheet on #32)

  • 1 회원가입 (SignUp) : add fields (red text)
  • 2 비밀번호 확인 (check password) : New
  • 3 회원정보 변경 (modify user info): New
  • 4 회원탈퇴 (withdraw user): New
  • 5 사용자 포인트 현황 (user current point): New
  • 6 사용자 포인트 적립 리스트 (user point save list) : New
  • 7 사용자 포인트 사용 리스트 (user point use list): New
  • 8 사용자  적립금 현황 (user current money): New
  • 9 사용자 적립금 적립 리스트 (user money save list) : New
  • 10  사용자 적립금 사용 리스트 (user money use list): New
  • 11 휴면 해제 (dormant release)
  • 12  회원상태 조회 (user status view)

Related issues

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Copied to New Function #43: [API] OrderClosedDeca Park04/18/2023

Actions #1

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

Actions #2

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

Actions #3

Updated by bryant bryant over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #4

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

1.휴면 해제 (dormant release) API (NEW)

  • Spec (User sheet on #32)
Actions #5

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant
Actions #6

Updated by bryant bryant over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #7

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

[Test Issues]

1.POST /api/signup
  1) parameter
    - zipcode: remove required

Actions #8

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant
Actions #9

Updated by bryant bryant over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #10

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

[API] Spec change


  • User sheet on #32 (20230620)

2.SignUp (POST /api/signup)
  1) Paramter
    a) add fields
      - anniversary_name / anniversary_date
  2) Logic
    INSERT st_user.anniversary_name / anniversary_date (NEW)

3.회원 정보 조회 (user info view) (GET /api/user) (NEW)
  1) Response
    - user_grade_name / gender_name / signup_type_name : set code name (of signup_type)
    - concern_station_name : set station name list (ex: 서울역,용산역) by concern_station_code

4.modify user info (PUT /api/user) 
  1) Paramter
    a) add fields - currently, it's NOT applied into UserController logic. (if parameter value is empty, skip UPDATE the column)
      - gender / birth_day (NEW)
      - anniversary_name / anniversary_date (NEW)
  2) Logic
    UPDATE st_user with added columns

Actions #11

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
Actions #12

Updated by Toby Pham about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Actions #13

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant
Actions #14

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Toby Pham
Actions #15

Updated by Toby Pham about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Actions #16

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant

[API] POST /api/login            
  1) As-is
    - if user_status = 'US04', return error (status: 401, error_code: "user.error.dormant")
  2) To-be
    - SKIP (although user_status = 'US04', can login)

[API] /api/user
  1) user_status / user_status_name (Add)
    - set by st_user.user_status

Actions #17

Updated by bryant bryant about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #18

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant

[API] 회원상태 조회 (user status view) (ADD)

1.Spec (User sheet of #32 - 20230626)

  • GET /api/user_status
Actions #19

Updated by bryant bryant about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #20

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant

1.API (Add) - 회원 포인트 적립 (Save user point) : POST /api/save_point
   1) Spec (User sheet of #32 - 20230626)
   2) DB (change)
     - depart_date / arrive_date : DELETE

2.[API] GET /api/user_point
  1) Response
    a) today_save_point (Add)
      a-1) logic
        DB: st_user_save_point
        select: SUM(save_point)
        conditions: user_seq = {user_seq of id param} AND save_date = {today}
    b) today_move_distance (Add)
      b-1) logic
        DB: st_user_save_point
        select: SUM(move_distance)
        conditions: user_seq = {user_seq of id param} AND save_date = {today}
    c) today_carbon_reduce (Add)
      c-1) logic: NOT DEFINED

Actions #21

Updated by bryant bryant about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #22

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

[API] POST /api/save_point 

1.save_point (logic)
      - 3.3 원 per 1km (1000m), Max day point : 100 원 per day
        + if point SUM of today is over 100(원), SKIP (don't save point)
        + if point SUM of today is 80(원), can save point until 20(원)

Actions #23

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant

[API] POST /api/signup

1.server error

### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Data truncated for column 'event_alarm_yn' at row 1
### The error may involve com.stoneitgt.user.mapper.UserMapper.insert-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: insert into st_user (id, password,                              signup_type, username, gender,                              birth_day, hp, email,                              zipcode, address, sub_address,                              auth, user_status, user_grade, concern_station_code,                              event_alarm_yn, last_login_date, pw_mod_date,                              dormant_date, withdraw_date, email_receive_yn, sms_receive_yn,                              anniversary_name, anniversary_date,                              reg_user_seq, reg_date)         values (?, ?,                 ?, ?, ?,                 ?, ?, ?,                 ?, ?, ?,                 ?, ?, ?, ?,                 ?, ?, ?,                 ?, ?, ?, ?,                 ?, ?,                 ?, NOW())
### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Data truncated for column 'event_alarm_yn' at row 1

2.test parameters

  "address": "서울 강서구 강서로 486",
  "birth_day": "19930628",
  "email": "",
  "email_receive_yn": "Y",
  "event_alarm_yn": "N",
  "gender": "GE01",
  "hp": "01094860934",
  "id": "test1234",
  "password": "1234",
  "signup_type": "MJ01",
  "sms_receive_yn": "Y",
  "sub_address": "123123",
  "username": "강민기",
  "zipcode": "07530"

Actions #24

Updated by bryant bryant about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #25

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to bryant bryant

[API] GET /api/user_point

1.Response fields
  1) today_move_distance 
    a) change comment with "오늘 이동거리 (km)"
    b) change unit (m -> km)
      - show value until first decimal point  (round up on second decimal point)
      - ex) 650m -> 0.7km
        ex) 640m -> 0.6km
        ex) 500m -> 0.5km
  2) today_carbon_reduce (NEW)
    = {today_move_distance} (km) * 132g (round up on first decimal point)
    ex) 1.5 -> 2g
        1.4 -> 1g

Actions #26

Updated by bryant bryant about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from bryant bryant to Deca Park
Actions #27

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

[API] GET /api/user_point

1.today_carbon_reduce (Change)
  a) change comment: "오늘 탄소저감량 (단위포함: g/kg/t)"
     change type: integer -> string (including unit)
  b) value
    b-1) < 100 (unit: g)
      - round up on 1 decimal point
      - ex) 1.5 -> 2g, 1.4 -> 1g
    b-2) 100 <= value < 10000 (unit: kg)
      - ex) value: 100.15
          divide 1000: 100.15 / 1000 = 0.15kg
          round up on 2 decimal point: 0.15 -> 0.2kg, 0.14 -> 0.1kg
    b-3) value >= 10000 (unit: t)
      - ex) value: 10000.15
          divide 100000: 10000.15 / 100000 = 0.15t
          round up on 2 decimal point: 0.15 -> 0.2t, 0.14 -> 0.1t

 2.month_move_distance (NEW)
   a) Integer / "월누적 이동거리 (km)"
   b) value
     - SUM of this month's st_user_save_point.move_distance
       (ex: today: august-05, august-01 ~ august-05)
     - rule is same with today_move_distance

 3.month_carbon_reduce (NEW)
   a) string / "월누적 탄소저감량 (단위포함:g/kg/t)"
   b) value
     - compute month_carbon_reduce with SUM of this month's st_user_save_point.move_distance
       (ex: today: august-05, august-01 ~ august-05)
     - rule is same with today_carbon_reduce

Actions #28

Updated by Deca Park about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
Actions #29

Updated by Deca Park 8 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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