New Function #4
- Description updated (diff)
1) search area
a) button style
- apply border like /docent/schedule
b) 기간 (period)
- datepicker inputbox : editable
2) grid
a) 생성일/수정일
- show date & time (HI24:MI:SS)
a-1) 운영/미운영 button
- after process, reload 수정일(modify datetime)
b) 투어 세팅
b-1) style
- give margin betwen 투어 세팅 button and text
- text: vertical align - center
b-2) selectbox (when 투어 세팅 button clicks)
- apply default option: 선택 (select)
- if tour is selected and it's updated, change selectbox with changed tour text (currently, selectbox is kept even if it's changed)
2.Modify page
1) when 이름 link clicks, error happens
3.Add page
1) fields
a) required fields
- append *(red) before field label (refer to other page)
b) 투어 세팅 selectbox
- apply default option: 선택 (select)
c) 진행일정
- decrease datepicker inputbox width
d) 암호 (password)
d-1) inputbox (shown when 설정 is selected)
- decrease inputbox width
- apply validation : max length (20)
- show input text (not password style)
e) 참여인원 : decrease width like selectbox width
2) when 복사 (copy) is selected
a) 암호
- selectbox option is not copied (selectbox is shown with no option)
b) 진행일정 (schedule)
- copied date-time is shown wrong
(ex: 2023-02-02 08:00:00.000 -> 2023-02-02 08:00 or 2023-02-02 08:00:00)
- if copied date-time is clicked, calendar is shown with 1899 year wrong
- Status changed from New to Feedback
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