Non-Function #503
Added by Jisoo Choi 8 months ago.
Updated 8 months ago.
스토리 오더 매장 정보 상단의 '매장 후기' 옆에 공개 여부가 Y인 매장 후기 건수 추가를 부탁드립니다.
형태: 매장 후기 (n)
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
[APP] 스토리 오더 (/smartorder/mall/224372)
1.매장 후기 (mall review)
1) show review count of the mall (refer to attach image)
- append text like " ({count})"
- count with st_review.hide_yn = 'N' condition
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Jisoo Choi
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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