



New Function #54


[ADMIN] 통계 페이지 추가 요청

Added by yg yoon over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:



대시보드 및 통계 부분 추가 개발 요청입니다.

* 첨부된 화면 기획서 참조하세요.


Actions #1

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • File DE07_화면정의서_v1.1_추가(통계)_en.pptx added
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham

[ADMIN] 통계 (statistics) menu

  • spec: p5 ~ 10
Actions #2

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

[ADMIN] Dashboard menu

  • spec: p3 ~ 4
Actions #3

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • File deleted (DE07_화면정의서_v1.1_추가(통계)_en.pptx)
Actions #5

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #6

Updated by Toby Pham over 1 year ago

[ADMIN] 통계 (statistics) menu

  • URL: /statistics
Actions #7

Updated by Toby Pham over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Actions #8

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

[통계 (/statistics)]
1.all TAB
  1) grid
    - sort: date DESC (but graph date is ASC)
    - apply into 다운로드(excel download) too
2.접속률 TAB
  1) graph
    a) 일 전체 평균 
      - display the label fully (currently, it's cutten a little)

1.graph on 접속률 area
  1) x-axis 
    - apply date format: mm-dd (05-01)

Actions #9

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
Actions #10

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago


  1) change rate
    - if divide value is 0, don't show value
      (ex: 오늘 접속량 : (2 - 0)/0)

2.가입률 및 도달률
  1) user count area
    a) 전체 회원
      a-1) logic (change)
        DB: st_user
        select: COUNT
        condition: reg_date = {today-1} AND user_type IN ('UT1','UT5')
    b) 도슨트 회원
      - fix label
      b-1) logic (change)
        DB: st_user
        select: COUNT
        condition: reg_date = {today-1} AND user_type = 'UT1'
    c) 탈퇴 회원
      - fix label
      c-1) logic (change)
        DB: st_user
        select: COUNT
        condition: user_wdw_date = {today-1} AND user_stt = '00'
    d) change rate
      - if divide value is 0,  don't show value

  2) 체류 시간 / 이동 거리 / 컨텐츠 호출 area
    a) logic (change)
      DB: st_user_log
      condition: log_time = {today-1}
      DB: st_user_exihibit
      condition: reg_date = {today-1}

Actions #11

Updated by Toby Pham over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
Actions #12

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

  • Assignee changed from Deca Park to yg yoon

Also available in: Atom PDF