Bug #644
[오류] 일반형시뮬레이션에서 적용모델을 Multi로 설정한 경우 시뮬레이션 결과 모델 1개 결과만 표출됩니다.
Added by yg yoon 3 months ago.
Updated 3 months ago.
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
[Test Issue]
1) if simulation type = 'ST01' (일반형)
a) if 2 MODEL is selected
- currently, 1 MODEL result is just created (refer to 35.Ge-Multi-20241119124951)
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
- File #644.png #644.png added
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
1.Simulation Result
1) 시뮬레이션 결과 데이터 (refer to attach image)
- DATE column is not displayed on List / Chart
- although row is 1, scroll bar is displayed on List
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
1.simulation result
1) 시뮬레이션 결과 데이터
- remove first column (refer to attach image)
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to Toby Pham
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Toby Pham to Deca Park
- Assignee changed from Deca Park to yg yoon
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