New Function #74
closed[ADMIN/API] Store (Change)
[ADMIN] 스마트 오더 관리 > 매장 관리 (store management) > 상세 (Modify) / 추가 (Add) - refer to attach image
1.Fields (change)
1) 영업 시간
a) selectbox : {st_mall_hour.hour_type} (NEW)
- add before 1st selectbox
- options: show HT codes (default: HT01)
- validation: required
2) 매장 연락처 : {mall_phone}
- change label : ‘관리자 연락처‘ -> ‘매장 연락처‘
3) 평균 소요 시간 : {business_hours}
- replace field name : {mall_info} -> {business_hours}
a) inputbox (change from textarea)
- validation: max length (256 bytes)
[API] GET /api/mall (refer to Mall sheet on #32 - 20230711)
1) business_hours
- change API field comment: "평균소요시간"
2) mall_hours (array) > hour_type / hour_type_name / start_hour / end_hour
- if st_mall_hour data is existed, set values (if not, don't set)