Non-Function #78
closed[API] 상품 재고량 처리 (product stock count process)
1) 온라인몰 관리 > 상품 등록 관리 (/onlineProduct) > 상세 (Modify)
- Spec: p2 (attach ppt)
1) [API] 쇼핑몰 상품 리스트 (GET /api/mall_product_list), 상품정보 (GET /api/mall_product)
1-1) Response > sold_out_yn (logic change)
a) if st_product.sold_out_yn = 'Y', set 'Y'
b) else
b-1) if stock_count is NOT NULL AND stock_count <= 0, set 'Y'
(* if stock_count is NULL(empty), sold_out_yn is set by 'N' - because it means that the product stock is not managed)
c) if NOT a) or b), set 'N'
2) [API] PG 결제 컨펌 (POST /api/pay_confirm)
a) if PG pay confirm API is success
- append common order's product stock count process
3) [Common] order's product stock count process
- make common service(function) (it's called on other process)
a) if st_mall.mall_type is NOT 'online' (with st_order.mall_code), SKIP
b) if st_mall.mall_type = 'online'
b-1) SELECT DB (st_order_product)
- select: order_count
- condition: order_no = {order_no param}
b-2) decrease product's stock_count of b-1) selected product list
UPDATE DB (st_product)
- stock_count = stock_count - order_count
(if stock_count is minus, set by 0)