Bug #92
closed[API] Station 에러
[API] /api/point_station_list?latitude=37.541&longitude=126.986
- server error happens
2023-08-11 19:15:33,325 ERROR [com.stoneitgt.user.controller.StationController]
### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Out of range error: Latitude should be [-90,90] in function ST_Distance_Sphere.
### The error may exist in file [/home/korail_store_api/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/egovframework/mapper/user/StationMapper.xml]
### The error may involve com.stoneitgt.user.mapper.StationMapper.selectPagination-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: SELECT station.* , (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(cc.code_name SEPARATOR ', ') FROM st_code_dtl cc WHERE cc.grp_code = 'SL' AND FIND_IN_SET(cc.code, station.station_lines)) AS stationLinesName , ST_Distance_Sphere( point(?, ?), point(station.longitude, station.latitude) ) AS distance FROM st_station station WHERE station.smart_order_yn = ? AND station.longitude IS NOT NULL AND station.latitude IS NOT NULL ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?