New Function #118
Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago
<p>1.<strong>[API] <p>1.[API] POST /api/store_order</strong></p> /api/store_order</p> <p> 1) process (add the logic first)<br /> a) call KRS product stock count API<br /> - if API fail or result_code != "200", return error (status: 400, error_code: "order.error.krsProductStockAPI", message: {returned result_msg})<br /> b) if KRS product stock count < order_products.order_count<br /> - return error (status: 400, error_code: "order.error.overKrsProductStockCount" - "주문수량이 현재고 초과하여 주문이 불가합니다. (매장코드: {mall_code}. 상품코드: {product_code})"</p> <p>2.KRS product stock count API</p> <ul> <li>refer to attach txt file</li> </ul>