


New Function #101

Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago

<p>[ADMIN] 스토리 오더 관리 &gt; 주문 관리 &gt; 상세 (/storeOrder/)</p> 

 <p>1.저장(save)<br /> 
 &nbsp; 1) Process<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; a) if 주문 상태 (smart_order_status) is UPDATED with &#39;SS02&#39; (주문확정)<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - send App PUSH message<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; b) if 주문 상태 (smart_order_status) is UPDATED with &#39;SS03&#39; (수령대기중)<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - send App PUSH message<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; c) if 주문 상태 (smart_order_status) is UPDATED with &#39;SS10&#39; (매장취소(주문취소)) <span style="color:#e74c3c;">OR&nbsp;&#39;SS10&#39; (매장취소(환불))</span><br (매장취소(주문취소))<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - send App PUSH message</p> 

 <p>[FCM App PUSH message]</p> 

 <p>1.Source<br /> 
 &nbsp; - refer to sendFcmBuy() of&nbsp;attach sample source</p> 

 <p>2.PUSH message<br /> 
 &nbsp; 1) <strong>define as properties</strong><br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; - <strong>fcm_token</strong> : &quot;erN3tlVoRlygkBeDMjiuZ-:APA91bFS8Smm9Co2cnJSibsMY4-wXRdfAJ8tplJAB3kfwWKivZstDX51YyMlIeIPBX5hLS99dMjaLJKP_otQMirgG4A_NzwQ0lS_5NlaaBHigUXfD1b5O46hWTq1dTA-aHJbHhiPofh4&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; - <strong>fcm_url </strong>: &quot;;<br /> 
 &nbsp; 2) message values<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; a) pushType : &quot;buy&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; b) title / content<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; b-1) if smart_order_status = &#39;SS02&#39; (주문확정)<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - title : &quot;주문확정&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - content : &quot;주문이 확정되었습니다.&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; b-2) if smart_order_status = &#39;SS03&#39; (수령대기중)<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - title : &quot;상품준비완료&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - content : &quot;상품 준비가 완료되었습니다.&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; b-3) if smart_order_status = &#39;SS10&#39; (매장취소(주문취소))&nbsp;<span style="color:#e74c3c;">OR&nbsp;&#39;SS10&#39; (매장취소(환불))</span><br (매장취소(주문취소))<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - title : &quot;주문취소&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - content : &quot;주문이 취소되었습니다.&quot;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; c) mall_code : set by mall_code of the st_order<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; d mall_name : set by mall_name of the st_order<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; e) product_info :&nbsp;<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - refer to [API] GET /api/agent/store_order_list - Response &gt; product_desc<br /> 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - ex) &quot;상품 1개 외 2건&quot;</p> 
