



[Page URL rule]

1.Add page
  URL: /coupon/add (ex)

2.modify page
  URL: /coupon/CP003 (ex)

[Common UI]

1.Add / Modify page
  1) buttons on bottom
    - align: center
  2) 저장 (save) button
    a) message
      - if clicks, show common save confirm msg.("")
      - if process is done, alert common save complete msg.("")
    b) don't apply icon class
  3) 취소 (cancel) button
    a) apply label with 취소
      - not 닫기 (close) label on spec ppt
    b) don't apply icon class
  4) 삭제 (delete) button
    a) message
      - if clicks, show common save confirm msg.("common.confirm.delete")
      - if process is done, alert common save complete msg.("common.alert.delete.complete")
    b) class style: "btn btn-danger"

2.List > Grid common
 1) buttons
   - add into same 1 row with total count row  (ex: 등록 / 삭제 / 엑셀 다운
 2) total count
     - DELETE label before total count
     - vertical align : bottom (currently, it’s shown on top because of buttons)


Updated by Deca Park over 1 year ago · 7 revisions